Ella's Keloid Encounter, a True Story:
I never knew keloids existed. Even after I got bumps on my ears after piercing them I never quite understood what they were. I thought they were an infection and that by time they would fade, and I neglected them. A few years later I had constructional surgery for my jaw, my incisions are similar to those of a facelift. They run down both sides of my face along the ear line. Surgery was a success but healing was not. My scars were not healing as I expected. Instead they were inflamed and were getting larger and longer. Now, I have two elongated scars on either side of my face and I wish I never got surgery. I have tried everything to get rid of them since my countless visits to my surgeon and dermatologist. I have tried steroid injections, lasers, creams, tea tree oil and everything listed on the internet. NOTHING has worked. I ordered myself the HEI BA GAO black keloid paste from the Jamu shop. Im waiting on that. Living with a keloid has been the hardest experience I have had in my life.
When I saw your website my heart skipped a beat, especially after having checked the date and saw how recent it was. Im extremely happy to see that keloids for once have been taken seriously. The world found a way to get to the moon and back using science and unexplainable things but a cure for a skin disease was never noticed and focused on. I am so very proud to read through this website. If there is anything I can do to help I will. Im a 21 year old student living in the middle east I have no knowledge in medicine and whatnot but I am living with a keloid, so the only experience I have is how unsuccessful my treatments have been. Is it so difficult to treat a keloid though? I mean is there nothing in the market that can actually stop collagen growth? It sounds so simple but yet I have had nothing work for me! I will recommend your website to hundreds of people following my keloid blogs. I would love to hear back from you and if you wish to use my above story I don't mind at all. Thank you for this lovely website and will look forward to hearing back from you Ella J. K.