Membership Categories
Patient or Advocate (POA) Member:
We invite all patients with keloid to join KRF. Having a large body of members who have an inherent interest in keloid disorder gives us the strength we need to advance our goals. A large body of members helps us to promote our cause and raise awareness about this disease. POA membership is free. POA members receive membership and Annual Meeting mailings. Special discounts for meeting registration fees are provided. POA members do not vote.
Active Scientific Members
required for individuals holding an M.D. or D.O. or PhD..: physicians providing care to patients with keloids and or those involved in clinical or laboratory research, or other professional aspects of keloid or closely related fields who have an active interest in the objectives and work of the KRF. Scientific Members reside in the United States or Canada and will receive full member benefits, including subscriptions to KRF's publications. Scientific Members receive membership and Annual Meeting mailings. Discounts for meeting registration fees are also provided. Scientific Membership Applicants must provide a current CV and a self signed statement of support for their application. Once approved for membership, Scientific Members can sponsor other applicants for membership.
Active Professional Members
Individuals holding any degree other than M.D. or D.O. or PhD. : non physician health care providers interested in the care of people with keloid, or those who have an active interest in the objectives and work of the KRF. Professionals in Keloid Care receive subscriptions to KRF's publications and discounts for other professional publications. Membership and Annual Meeting mailings are sent to Professionals in Keloid Care. Discounts for meeting registration fees are provided. Scientific Membership applicants must provide a current CV and a self signed statement of support for their application. Once approved for membership, Scientific Members can sponsor other applicants for membership.
Corresponding Members
Corresponding members reside outside the United States and Canada. Individuals involved in clinical, research, or other professional aspects of keloid or closely related fields who have an active interest in the objectives and work of the KRF. Corresponding members receive subscriptions to KRF's publications and discounts for other professional publications. Membership and Annual Meeting mailings are sent to Corresponding Members. Discounts for meeting registration fees are provided. Corresponding Membership applicants must provide a current CV and a self signed statement of support for their application. Once approved for membership, Corresponding Members can sponsor other applicants for membership.
Junior Members
Currently in formal training programs in a professional area in the field of keloid care and have an interest in the work of the KRF. Junior members receive subscriptions to KRF's publications. Membership and Annual Meeting mailings are sent to Junior Members. Discounts for meeting registration fees are provided. Junior Members may apply for Scientific Membership at any time, but are asked to apply for Scientific Membership within six months after training is complete. Training status must be verified by submitting a signed letter from the applicant's program director to complete this application.
Associate Members
Individuals holding any degree/designation who are employed by a for-profit company that is involved in the marketing, sales and/or development of keloid-related products or services, having an active interest in the objectives and work of the KRF. Associate Members receive subscriptions to KRF's publications in addition to full membership benefits. Associates do not vote in general business or committee meetings; do not hold office or committee chairmanships. Associate Members are not required to submit a letter of sponsorship with membership application.
Senior Members
Have reached the age of 70 or have been Active or Corresponding KRF members for a minimum number of 15 years, and who are no longer professionally active may request an "upgrade" in membership status to Senior. Senior Members are exempt from payment of dues. Senior Members are eligible for membership discounts and receive subscriptions to KRF's publications in addition to full membership benefits. Members over age of 70, however, may choose to maintain their Scientific Membership.